When Jim first met his younger sister’s best friend, Ruth, he didn’t know she would become the love of his life. First becoming friends, then husband and wife, Jim and Ruth shared a special bond. While they both grew up in Chatham-Kent, life and work took them away from the community. Ruth was an employee at Union Gas and was …
Remembering our mom through Hike for Hospice
It is said that when you see a butterfly it is someone you love in heaven reminding you of them and all the beautiful memories you shared. This is never truer than when our family is visited by our monarch, my mom, Mary. Mary, a homemaker in every sense of the word, was very proud of the house she kept …
Finding Peace within the walls of Hospice
Our family’s story is really not so different from all the other stories of families faced with losing a loved one, but this was our love. A beautiful Mom, Mother-in-law, Wife, Grandma and Sister. She grew up on a farm near Merlin and at the age of 10, lost her own Mom. As the eldest child, she stepped into a …
My Gift is my Presence
I love volunteering at Hospice. I am a reception volunteer and each time I finish a shift I think “I am so glad I volunteered today”. It never feels like a burden; it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. My only complaint is having to smell freshly baked cookies for 4 hours! Recently I started bringing my dog …
Hospice Cares for Young Couple
Your gifts helped a loving wife say good-bye to her husband My husband Jonathan was the life of the party. He really knew how to connect with people, capture a crowd and make people laugh with pure gut-wrenching joy. And he knew it too, even at our short time in hospice, when our room was one person away from becoming …
Hospice is my Home
“Hospice has really become my home away from home since moving in. Everyone – staff & volunteers – do all they can to make me comfortable. They always make me feel like I am their priority and will bend over backwards to make my day better” shared Terry. Terry lost his wife about 2 years ago and with his family …
My Hospice Experience – A Look Back
Before my husband was admitted, I knew where Hospice was located and that it was a place where people went to die. I soon became aware of just how vital this service is to our community. I no longer look at it as a place to die but as a place where the gentle transition from this life is made …
Red Wings Fans Welcome – Irwin’s Hospice Heart Story
Each resident we welcome at Hospice is unique. They have their own spirit and personality. Our goal at Hospice is to help each resident live their final days to the fullest surrounded by care and compassion. Irwin was one of these residents. Irwin grew up in Detroit and attended Detroit Public Schools in Special Education Classes. When these classes ended …
A Legacy of Love to His Family
Stephanie’s grandfather, Joe D’Hondt, loved his family more than anything and adored nature. He became a farmer and enjoyed being outside and tending to the pig barn. You could always find his “buggy” tracks (golf cart) leading back to the bush where he would spend time feeding the chipmunks and listening to the birds sing. Joe was a loving family …
Benefits of Hospice Extended to the Family
Blake grew up in Chatham where his parents still live, but now makes his home out west. He stayed in touch with his parents and extended family through phone calls, FaceTime and periodic visits. For several months, he had not had the opportunity to visit or FaceTime with his mom and he soon learned why. His mom had been ill …