In 2021, Chatham-Kent Hospice received a one year $135,400 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation for use in understanding the impact of COVID-19 on Hospice staff and volunteers, and to provide resources to support resiliency as they continue to provide quality end-of-life care through a global pandemic.
Thanks to the Ontario Trillium “Resilient Communities grant”, it has allowed the Chatham-Kent Hospice to provide such supports as an additional social worker to address increased resident and family needs throughout the pandemic, 50 Well Within Wellness emails to staff and volunteers covering topics such as grief, stresses, healthy coping strategies, ways to access support, establishment of a Quiet room to serve as a staff retreat (for reflection/rest/mindfulness activities /snacks), Resiliency Check ins available to staff offering single session support with a Registered Social Worker to develop unique wellness plans, monthly Self-Care Challenges offered to promote staff/volunteers practice of wellness strategies, Individual and team debriefings, as well as additional training for staff and volunteers to support resilience and building competency.
The impact of the Ontario Trillium Foundation grant has been significant. This grant allows staff and volunteers to feel that they “are cared for too” during this difficult time. Staff and volunteers were provided the skills and tools that they needed to practice self-care and build resilience, the culture to encourage it, and the permission to prioritize themselves as well as the families that they are caring for. The Chatham-Kent hospice is grateful for the opportunity to promote wellness and resiliency in our staff and volunteers through access from the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s funding.