Hospice Team

Jessica Smith Placeholder

Jessica Smith

Executive Director

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2104

Dr. Samantha Chandrasena

Medical Director

T: 519-354-3113

Melanie Watson Placeholder

Amber Jarrold

Hospice Navigator

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2101

Jennifer Patterson

Care Manager

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2103

Melanie Watson Placeholder

Sarah Baute

Human Resources Manager

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2105

Karen Konecny-Brooks Placeholder

Melissa Cadarette

Supportive Care
Program Manager

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 1201

Melanie Watson Placeholder

Melanie Watson

Coordinator of Volunteer Services

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2401

Karen Konecny-Brooks Placeholder

Karen Konecny-Brooks

Kitchen Coordinator

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2407

Karen Konecny-Brooks Placeholder

Bri Webster

Administrative Coordinator

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 1200

Melanie Watson Placeholder

Alex McAlpine

Community Social Worker

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 1203

Karen Konecny-Brooks Placeholder

Stefanie Bultje

Residential Social Worker

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 1202

Bridget Phelan

Candace Rahn

Music Therapist
Karen Konecny-Brooks Placeholder

Kate Kubis

Clinical Coach

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2106

Bridget Phelan

Bridget Phelan

Supportive & Spiritual Care Provider
Jessica Smith Placeholder

Jodi Maroney

Executive Director

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2402

Jay Smith

Fundraising Manager

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2408

Julia Earley

Community Relations Specialist

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2404

Melanie Watson Placeholder

Diane Fahey

Donor Relations Coordinator

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2403

Melanie Watson Placeholder

Katherine Stinson

Special Events Coordinaor

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2409

Lauren Broeders

Administrative Assistant

T: 519-354-3113
Extension 2300

Who is caring for my loved one?

While most of the in-suite care is provided by our clinical staff, our team is made up of people with diverse skills and abilities so we can provide holistic care for the resident and their loved ones. This can include:


The Registered Nurse (RN) and Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) are responsible for the nursing care of our residents and their families in accordance with the Regulated Health Professions Act (1991) and the College of Nurses of Ontario.


We have a group of core physicians experienced in palliative care who serve our residents in addition to their community practice. The physicians take turns being on-call to accept admissions and follow their resident’s care throughout their entire stay. Physicians visit Hospice regularly, based on the resident’s need.

Personal Support Workers (PSW)

The PSW is a caregiver with hospice palliative care training who assists our residents with their daily personal care needs and supports the resident and family through the dying process.

Social Workers

Our registered Social Workers provide compassionate, non-judgemental support for individuals and families experiencing loss. They will provide counselling in a safe, caring environment to express feelings and move towards healing; help manage the stress associated with the end-of-life, grief and loss; provide assistance to overcome crisis situations; connect individuals to appropriate supports and provide advocacy when needed.

Spiritual Care Provider

The Spiritual Care Provider provides ongoing spiritual, emotional, and social support regardless of faith or life stance. They will address spiritual concerns or struggles to promote coping and spiritual well-being; identify sources of strength, meaning and hope; facilitate spiritual/religious rituals, rites or practices; assist with end-of-life perceptions and planning.

Registered Music Therapist

Offered to our residents and their families our Accredited Music Therapist will use music and musical elements to promote, maintain and restore personal health. Music Therapy can: help with pain & symptom management; decrease anxiety helping with relaxation; be an outlet for emotional expression; provide connection to others and decrease isolation; encourage reminiscence and life review.


We have both resident support and operational support volunteers. Resident support volunteers interact with residents and families. Operational support volunteers complete many valuable tasks that keep our organization going.


Hospice Board of Directors

Keith Graham - Chair
Judy Smith - Secretary
Joan Byng
Andre Cleroux
Stephanie Holiga
Aidan Gilhula

Melinda Katzman
Trevor Mapplebeck
Barb McEwan
Ashley McLellan
Mike Packer
Jocelyn Watson